1) Create a build.xml file.
2) The parent tag is project. It has 3 attributes - name, default, basedir.
Default is the first target to be executed.
Basedir is the reference from which other path references will be made
3) Then there are multiple target tags. The target referred to by default is executed first.
3) Target has 3 imp attributes -name, depends, description.
4) Depends executes from left to right.Depends has target names seperated by commas.
5) Inside target there are tasks
6) Tasks are - built-in tasks, optional tasks, write your own tasks
7) Generally used examples of built in tasks are -
copy (file/fileset, to dir, failonerror),
delete (file/dir/fileset, verbose, failonerror),
echo(message, level) - can also write message between open echo tag & closing echo tag,
ear(destfile, appxml),
jar(destfile, basedir, includes),
javac(srcdir, destdir, classpath failonerror),
java(classname, jar),
move(file, todir),
property(name value),
war(destfile, webmxl, basedir)